We Europeans think we are living in peace, having been protected for over a half century from the turmoil elsewhere in the world. But war has been declared on us, right in front of our eyes, without us taking heed. Authoritarian and unfriendly powers are using our freedom space as a playing field, hoping to divide and weaken us. Disinformation campaigns, cyberattacks, interference in our electoral campaigns and in political life have multiplied. Fake news, phony media and real trolls now affect everything from Covid to women's and minority rights, not forgetting the war in Ukraine. Our European democracies are being harassed, criticised, slandered, in order to erode their foundations and reduce their influence. We are perfectly capable of winning these invisible wars that are being waged against us, provided that we gauge their scope and are willing to fight for our values. Above all, we have no right to lose these invisible wars.
“The war we don’t see coming”. Nathalie LOISEAU has turned it into a book that reads like a detective story, so crazy its storyline seems. The former European Affairs Minister under Emmanuel Macron explores this parallel universe of disinformation that has the power to destabilise Western democracies because they are in the midst of "a major political and cultural crisis".
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