Laurent Alexandre is a surgeon specialising in urology, as well as a novelist and comic strip scriptwriter. After studying medicine for 11 years, Laurent Alexandre continued his studies at Sciences Po and HEC, then ENA. He went on to study economics and administration, driven by a desire to understand the workings of the civil service and the healthcare system, which he felt the medical profession took too little interest in, advocating that "doctors should participate in the system instead of being the mere playthings of the technosctructure".
Doctissimo.fr now attracts nearly 8 million unique visitors a month, thanks in part to the determination of its founder, Laurent Alexandre. In the early 1990s, this surgeon trained as a urologist already saw how important the Internet could become.
Since 2008, he has been Chairman and majority shareholder of DNAVision, a Belgian SME specialising in gene research and development.
In 2011, he wrote La Mort de la Mort, which has sold over 500,000 copies! He recently published LA GUERRE DES INTELLIGENCES - ChatGPT, the fastest-growing technology of its kind.
ChatGPT represents a fundamental turning point in our history. Its founder, Sam Altman, wants to create an Artificial Superintelligence to compete with our brains, and has started a dangerous race at global scale.
Schools and the world of work will have to undergo a complete overhaul, but our leaders have not grasped the scale of the wave that is about to engulf us.
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