With a classics degree from the Sciences-Po in Paris, Ariane CHEMIN, a French journalist and essayist, joined the Le Monde newspaper, first of all in the "political" and "society" departments, before becoming a special correspondent.
Completely devoted to her profession, she writes-describes the daily news, and has no qualms about using her pen to pursue the development of certain prominent subjects in more literary form.
Author of several books including "La Femme Fatale" inspired by the 2007 presidential election, Ariane CHEMIN was awarded the Hervé Ghesquière Literary Prize in 2018.
In the midst of the Covid-19 health crisis, Ariane CHEMIN was attracted by the romantic journey of Professor Raoult, who has been greeted as both hero and villain in France, and co-wrote "Raoult. La folie française”.
He rose with the virus. The Professor, the Marseillais, the druid, the Gaul, the saviour or the guru. Brilliant for some, a charlatan for others, known throughout Africa, famous even in America ...
With his chloroquine, Didier Raoult poured an explosive potion into the cauldron of the health crisis, triggering a veritable “Raoultmania”.
He tore France apart in the midst of a pandemic. His is a thrilling story: praised and then vilified, he received President Macron in his Marseilles hospital and the world's greats came to consult and learn from this popular and puzzling savant.
Politicians, intellectuals, big bosses, gilets jaunes demonstrators, all were passionate about an antimalarial drug they new nothing about the day before.
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