Graduate of the Université de Nice, with a PhD in Medicine and another in cell immunology, Professor David KHAYAT is France's most highly respected oncologist and no doubt also the most envied, for having shaken up the world of cancer over his 45 years as a medical practitioner.
"I decided to be a doctor when I was 8", "I found the woman I wanted to marry at 13" and "at 19 I knew I was going to be an oncologist."
France's youngest head of department, from 1990 to 2017, he headed the medical oncology department at La Pitié-Salpêtrière hospital in Paris.
Professor of oncology at the Université Pierre et Marie Curie in Paris, brilliant, intelligent, full of ideas, David KHAYAT is, or has been, a member of several associations and committees working in the cancer medicine field internationally and created the "Avec" non-profit foundation, entirely funded by private donations.
Chairman of the Institut International de Cancérologie de Paris since 2017, the eminent professor also contributed to the launch of the Shanghai university hospital (China).
Alongside his scientific activities, David KHAYAT also devotes himself to writing, "his psychoanalysis", publishing a string of works, not forgetting his participation in the co-writing of two television films and one play.
Determined to break the taboo surrounding this scourge that "kills more people than aids, malaria and tuberculosis combined", David KHAYAT recently published his "Enquête Vérité", inviting us not to be afraid of cancer any more...
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