“Vital is your best bet!"
Eminent doctor in cardiology and in nutrition, attaché of the Paris Hospitals, director of the journal “Nutrition pratique” (practical nutrition), Doctor Frédéric SALDMANN is also well-known for his numerous writings on health.
Founder of the first dietetics congress “Dietecom”, in 1988 he set up “SPRIM” and “EQUITABLE”, consultancy firms operating in the agri-food sector.
In 1997, the food hygiene specialist published “Les nouveaux risques alimentaires” (the new food risks) which discussed the basic things we can do every day to reduce health risks associated with our diet. Largely drawn from a study on traces of urine found in the peanuts of some brasseries, its publication caused a big stir in the media.
“Positive thoughts have a positive effect on the body's functions and on joyful health. Focusing on the best of yourself and what surrounds you creates a benign wave that will make you happy”.
A real star at the bookshop, with more than three million copies sold worldwide, Doctor Frédéric SALDMANN is now publishing his fourteenth work”Vital! – votre bible santé” (Vital! - your health bible).
His advice based on the very latest medical discoveries will enable us to increase our well-being potential and adopt a new lifestyle that will guarantee our health capital!
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