The eminent French urological surgeon, creator of the Doctissimo website and author of a number of scientific works, Doctor Laurent ALEXANDER, author of the book LA MORT DE LA MORT (the death of death) is back with an exciting topic: ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE!
“We are entering a brain war: silicon brains against the brains of their creators”.
Populariser of the new technologies, an expert in techno-medicine, the president of DNAVision has today become a guru, revealing to the entire world the titanic hold and the incredible power that the infinitely small has on our everyday lives.
Former Minister in the RAFFARIN and VILLEPIN governments, Mayor of the Town of Meaux, Jean-François COPE is also extremely concerned about the future of democracy, so disparaged on the social networks.
Aware of the great upheaval that awaits our civilisation, which will permanently change our social, economic and political life, the two former ENA students have got together to publish “L’I.A. va-t-elle aussi tuer la démocratie ? “ (Will AI also kill democracy?).
In the era of climate change, this book written by two hands paints a dramatic picture of the abusive use of information technologies and presents the changes that need to be made at top government level in order to regulate our power over nature and thus our power to decide Humanity’s future.
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