A Law Graduate, after starting his career at the Brussels Bar, University studies in Financial and Commercial Sciences, and a brief stint at an IT leasing company, Eric DOMB decided to take his destiny by the scruff of the neck.
In 1992, he fell under the spell of the ancient Cistercian abbey of Cambron, near Brugelette, which he turned into an ornithological and botanic garden, drawing inspiration from the Walsrode Birdpark in Germany. The Parc Paradisio sprang to life!
"I am always very mindful of my desire to share my emotions when contemplating the world's wonders".
Turning into a resounding success, Parc Paradisio was listed on the stock exchange in 1198 and in 2010 became the "Pairi Daiza" zoological garden, housing more than 4,000 animals from all over the world, birds, mammals, fish, reptiles,..
CEO and owner of one of Wallonia's biggest tourist attractions, Eric DOMB joined the board of directors of the PASS en 2002, and was Chairman of Walloon employers from 2006 to 2009.
Elected Manager of the year 2007, this successful entrepreneur received, in 2012, the title of Walloon Officer of Merit.
Proof that "in life everything is possible! ", Eric DOMB will come to talk to us about this child's dream that has turned into the best Zoo in Europe 2018.
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