We have never lived in such an uncertain world....
Europe could today become another victim of the war ravaging Ukraine.
Hogtied by its multiple divisions, it is being tempted to take further shelter under the protection of the US, fading away in the stranglehold that holds it back, in the West and in the East.
Now, the tension between the US and China is what is structuring the governance of the entire world.
If China and the United States are going to tear each other apart, a world war threatens. If they could get along, the old continent could emerge from history, which it has so often had to make.
Our fate is bleak. It's getting late. The night is truly menacing.
Faced with this dangerous century, Jean-Pierre RAFFARIN outlines what could be a strategy for acting forcefully, swiftly and correctly.
He is in Brussels to present his manifesto for action, for Europe to reunite with its destiny: to become a force for balance and peace. "
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