Michel Claise, a lawyer who went on to become a renowned financial examining magistrate, has recently retired. Placed under police protection on several occasions, he has always shown unfailing determination in tracking down white-collar criminals.
Dirty money is making European states go blind!
The International Monetary Fund assesses the annual volume of global laundering operations at an average of 2 to 5% of world GDP.
Illicit drug trafficking generates around 400 billion dollars in retail profits every year, i.e. almost double the revenue of the global pharmaceutical industry, not to mention customs fraud and other criminal activities such as corruption, ecocide, theft, human trafficking, organ trafficking, etc...
Despite the nauseating statistics, governments are failing to fight back against the plague that is organised crime, which is infecting every sector of our society and reinvesting all these billions in the legal economy.
His aim is to reveal the scale and simplicity of the financial crime mechanisms that plague our society. But also a general lack of awareness of the dramatic consequences such behaviour has.
At the age of 68, Michel Claise has lived several lives. A lawyer for most of his career, he is also a writer, consultant, teacher, columnist and holds an honorary doctorate from the University of Liège.