Thierry LENTZ is, along with Jean TULARD, one of the leading experts on the Emperor NAPOLEON.
Thierry LENTZ is a historian who recognises freedom of expression and research.
He is debating man, in real debates where adversaries are treated respectfully.
He taught public law and legal history at the University of Nancy.
He also spent twelve years as Director of External Relations for the SAUR group, a subsidiary of BOUYGUES.
Thierry Lentz grew up in Moselle in a working class neighbourhood. He discovered NAPOLEON at 10 years old!
He fights against all the myths. While the right is making NAPOLEON a hero who grew up in its midst, Thierry LENTZ reminds us that he was rejected by the right, entirely logically: he was a child of the revolution!
While the left sees him as a foil for social and moral order, he shows that Napoleon's system, far from being limited to a police system, instituted the rule of law.
Thierry LENTZ published his first book 27 years ago, and since then he has written over 60 works on the two empires.
He regularly participates in a number of radio and television broadcasts, including Secrets d’histoire presented by Stéphane BERN.
A fascinating speaker, Thierry LENTZ reminds us that NAPOLEON and his legacy can be found just about everywhere: the organisation of the State, its secular nature, the creation of a body of teachers, chambers of commerce, industrial tribunals and the Civil Code.
Out of the 2281 articles passed in 1804, more than half are still in force today.
For over 200 years, a sort of Napoleonic-inspired identity of mores has governed our daily lives.
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